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How to Deal with Tough times in Life ? - To stay strong & Motivated always!

How to Deal with Tough times in Life?  How to stay strong and motivated always ?

When you're going through something tough and problematic in life, you're obviously feeling extra low and exhausted like something's eating and decaying you from inside and you're surrounded by the never clearing dark clouds. 

Then please, don't make it worse for you brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidney etc etc...body parts.By abusing yourself, demotivating yourself.Just accept everything that it's okay, it happens and it's gonna pass.

Never ever say that you hate yourself, at least stay with yourself when there's no one else for you to comfort you.

Talking to someone is Best thing you can ever do to prevent loosing your mind through that time but even if there's no one to talk to you, just let your words out of your mouth.Clear your mind.Talk to your pet, your toy, your favorite tree (I know this might sound crazy to extra socialized people), write your heart out in your phone's notes that you can delete later if you wanna be safe with it.

Or, the Best thing you can do is that, you can pay with meaning (I mean make sure your understand it).You will definitely find something to relief you, and you will not feel like something's decaying you from inside anymore.God is always there to listen to you and to support to you.

Stay Happy & Blessed always :)

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