Cure for chapped Lips in Winter !
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Everybody hate that dry,chapped,flaky lips in Winter.Here I'm sharing some perfect tips as Cure for chapped lips in Winter ! So, check them all down.

Everybody hate that dry,chapped,flaky lips in Winter.Here I'm sharing some perfect tips as Cure for chapped lips in Winter ! So, check them all down.
Let's start with the Basic steps -
. Drink plenty of water.It will not only help your lips but your whole Body.
. Try to breather through your nose as breathing through your lips dries your lips and if you're going to get involved into a physical activity and which will make you breathe through your mouth,then put on lots of moisturizer on lips.
. Don't lick your lips,if you think it will help then you need to know it will make your lips look even more worse as your saliva will dry your skin.
. If you are are going out in Winter that will definitely make your lips chapped and flaky.So, wrap a scarf around your nose and mouth to avoid it.
. Stop picking the flaky skin on your lips.It will make your lips bleed and cracked.
Okay, now what remedies you can use -
. Apply lip balm before washing your face,as you face cleanser can make your lips dry.
. Use humidifier or have steam by holding your face over boiling water once a day to keep your skin hydrated.
. Use Almond oil to moisturize your lips over night for deep and nourishing conditioner.
. Exfoliate your lips gently with a soft toothbrush and water to get rid of dry skin.
So, these are the Best tips to Cure for Chapped lips in Winter.I hope you find this helpful.
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